Bespoked Bike Shop 044 382 0086 tyrone@bespokedadv.co.za
Bicycle Maintenance Company 021 448 4692 info@bicyclerepairs.co.za
Bike Addict 022 482 2974 admin@bike-addict.co.za
Bike Marathon Triathlon 021 887 3417 dewald@bmtsa.co.za
Bike Mob 021 701 2001 nev@bikemob.co.za
Bridge Cycles 021 715 0732 admin@bridgecycles.co.za
Coimbra Cycle House 044 873 0606 coimbra@isat.co.za
Cycle 4 Life 021 863 4001 danie@cycle4life.co.za
Cycle Addict 082 977 5288 cornetjie1@hotmail.com
Cycles Direct 021 554 2128 sales@cyclesdirect.co.za
East City Cycles 021 426 6000 jarryd@eastcitycycles.com
Ellipsis Sports Apparel 082 337 7123 raoul@privateer.co.za
Flandria Cycles 021 887 1533 info@flandria.co.za
Freewheel Cycology Pty Ltd 021 762 4472 lionel@freewheel.co.za
Good to Go Lifestyle Equipment 021 286 1089 tom@giantcapetown.co.za
John O'Connor Cycles 021 434 7741 john@joccycles.co.za
Knysna Cycle Works 044 382 5153 freejacq@gmail.com
Load and Go Trading CC 021 423 5191 sj@revolutioncycles.co.za
Mason's Bike Inn 021 883 2202 masons@mweb.co.za
Olympic Cycles 021 671 5008 paul@olympiccycles.co.za
Outdoor Escape 021 883 2444 quintin@outdoorescape.co.za
Riversdale Cycles 083 760 1551 info@riversdalecycles.com
Rook Cycles (PTY) LTD 060 464 0623 lee@rookcycles.com
Science to Sport CC 082 562 8419 ben@sciencetosport.com
Specialized Stellenbosch 021 880 0799 admin.stellenbosch@specialized.com
Specialized Tygerberg 021 910 1563 info@tygerbergcycles.co.za
Stoke Suspension Works 084 584 5959 andrew@stokesuspension.com
The Bike Shop 044 533 1111 kevin@thebikeshop.co.za
The Gear Change 021 685 2628 david@thegearchnage.com
Tokai Cycles (Pty) Ltd T/A Trail and Tar 021 712 1781 grant@trailandtar.co.za
Ultimate Cycling 044 382 3238 andrew@ultimatecycling.co.za
White Stone Cycles 079 606 1995 whitestonecycles@gmail.com
Williams Bike Shop 021 851 0919 william@williamsbikeshop.co.za
Woodstock Cycleworks 021 461 5634 nils@woodstockcycleworks.com
Bicycle Boffs 010 593 0426 info@bicycleboffs.co.za
Bike Market 064 697 0298 jt@bikemarket.co.za
Bruce Reyneke Cycles 012 362 1628 bruce@bruces.co.za
Complete Cyclist Bryanston 011 463 0040 jamesb@complete-cyclist.com
Concept Cyclery Cedar Square 086 179 6757 nick.cs@conceptcyclery.co.za
Customized Cycling 011 467 3875 info@customizedcycling.co.za
Cycle Tech 011 466 9974 cycletech@telkomsa.net
Dunkeld Cycles 011 341 0627 marc@dunkeldcycles.co.za
Epic Sports 012 643 0504 info@epicsports.co.za
Hatfield Cycles 012 362 0036 hatfieldcycles@gmail.com
Hot Spot Cycles 012 993 5231 info@hotspotcycles.co.za
Hunter Cycling 076 541 2443 jean@huntercycling.com
Lynnwood Cyclery (Pty) Ltd 021 348 3132 gary@lynnwoodcyclery.co.za
Mellow Velo 011 465 5882 ian@mellowvelo.co.za
Melville Cycles 031 563 8256 melville_cycles@absamail.co.za
Sprocket and Jack 087 150 8495 sprocketandjack@outlook.com
The Bicycle Service Company 084 513 2040 danny@bicyclesservice.co.za
This Way Out - JHB 082 3999 588 deon@thiswayout.co.za
Tool-Up Cycles & Maintenance 012 942 1158 info@tool-upcycles.co.za
Trailwolf Cycles 012 942 9509 shaun@trailwolf.co.za
Westdene Cycles 011 477 5719 farwest@mweb.co.za
Deno van Heerden Cycles 083 546 1335 deno@performancebikefit.com
Giant South Coast 039 3150058 admin@giantsouthcoast.co.za
Greg Minaar Cycles 033 612 8775 kevin@gmcycles.co.za
KT Cycles 031 701 3119 admin@ktcycles.co.za
The Ride Guys (PTY) LTD 072 612 8775 kevin@therideguys.co.za
Cycle Zone 014 594 2648 cyclezone@webmail.co.za
Breakaway Cycles 083 200 6932 bccycles@webmail.co.za
Cyclo Pro 041 368 7244 andrew@cyclopro.co.za